VXCON 2022 is coming

2 min readAug 12, 2022


Our team has been busy over the past months, we have handled different incidents like ransomware (including negotiating with the attackers and paying the ransom), targeted attacks towards software vendors, as well as different researches. Hopefully we will share some of our experience about the incidents in the coming blog posts.

VXCON 2022 will happen on 27-Aug-2022 (HK Time 10:00–18:00)

VXCON is a regional cybersecurity conference in Hong Kong. Speakers and researchers from all over the world come to share the latest development in malware, threat, exploitation, and cyber defense. Many speakers are also frequent contributors of Blackhat, DEF CON, HITCON and other global hacker and security conferences.


Due to the pandemic situation, VXCON 2022 will be held online in gather.town, we have invited researchers all over the world to share their experience and knowledge in different cybersecurity areas.

Thank you so much for our sponsors and supporting organizations.

Supporting Organizations

Please join our conference, you can get the tickets here:

VXCON Website:

See you soon!




VXRL Team is founded by group of enthusiastic security researchers, providing information security services and contribute to the community. https://www.vxrl.hk